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CMX Company

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MCS(R) 51/151/251 Microcontrollers Low Voltage
Real Time Operating System
12/11/96 4:33:00 PM

Vendor Information

Tool Description:

The CMX CMXTracker provides the user the ability to log chronologically in real-time, the tasks execution flow, capturing when a task is executing, the CMX functions called and their parameters, interrupts using CMX functions and the CMX system TICK within the CMX-RTX real-time multitasking operating system environment, while the user's application code is running.
When the user enables the CMXTracker task, it will send a menu to the screen. The user may then select one of many prompts allowing the user to view the chronologically ordered log, reset the log, resume running of application code and possibly change some aspects of the log, such as "autowake" CMXTracker after a certain number of entries.
CMXTracker allows viewing the log at the beginning or end, paging down or up, viewing the exact execution of the tasks. In addition, viewing what CMX functions were called with their parameters and results returned (such as the message sent or received, event bits set, timed out, etc.,) and interrupts, with the CMX system TICK being a "timeline" stamp.
CMXTracker allows the user to "single step" one system TICK, thus allowing normal activity to occur for one system TICK, with CMXTracker resuming after this "single step". The user can also set the desired number of system TICKS that CMXTracker will wait, allowing normal activity, before it again resumes. This is a very powerful and helpful feature.

Tool Features:

  • Supports Intel 8051, 80151, 80251, 80196

  • Enhances Debugging of Intel Microcontrollers

  • Provides Insight of Application Flow

  • Logging is Captured in Real-Time

  • Chronological Display of Tasks Execution

  • Displays CMX Functions Called and Results

  • Single Stepping Per System Tick

  • Task Flow Analysis

  • Development Platform(s):

    PC, SUN PC/Windows, HP Workstation, RS6000

    File Attachments:

    162.PDF - Electronic catalog page

    Supported Device Detail Matrix:

    Part & Package


    8XL5X - 44ldPLCC
    8XL5X - 44ldQFP


    Vendor Information:

    CMX Company

    5 Grant Street, Suite C
    Framingham , MA 01701
    (508) 872-7675

    Email :
    Fax : (508) 620-6828
    URL :

    Contact the vendor above for the latest Distributor information

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